Contact Classic Movie Kids


I Buy Movie & TV Star Photos and Collections

I am an active buyer of all types of movie memorabilia.  I collect on all film stars, both child and adult,  from the silents to the present day.  My goal is to one day have a truly significant collection that includes a few nice photos of every  star, and expanded collections on the greats.

I am most interested in portraits and close-ups, especially those produced by the studio, but  I also buy movie stills, lobby cards, post cards, press books, agency headshots, etc etc. I buy only original material as issued by the studio, distributor, publisher, or agent.

Most of what I buy is used but in good condition. I generally do not buy damaged material unless it is unavailable otherwise (early Silent material, for example). I pay fair prices, but I have learned to live without things when price requires it.

In addition to material on movie stars, I collect on what could loosely be described as anything pertaining to the production and showing of movies. This would include photos of interiors or exteriors of luxurious of unusual movie theatres, photos of movie studios, movie lots, cameras and projectors, etc.

Please write if you have material for sale, or know of such material.

Note: If you have written before and have not heard back, please try again. email address that are made public such as mine are quickly innundated with spam. I do sometimes miss legitimate inquiries. I will change the email address more frequently than I have done in the past, as spam takes over.