Michael Junior was born Michael Verschuere
in Eernegem, Belgium
on April 21, 1986

Without a doubt, Michael Junior is the most talented young singer to come along in years. Unlike most of his contemporaries, he has a full, powerful voice. He sings in many languages, including German, English, Spanish, and Italian. Famed singer Helmut Lotti has featured him as a guest both on tour and on video. You can buy Michael Junior's recordings on line at CDNow, Amazon.com, and from other music sellers. To increase the selections of recordings available, search under Helmut Lotti as well as under Michael Junior. I would be an eager buyer of any videos, TV appearances, interviews, etc. featuring Michael Junior.
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honoring Michael Junior, please
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To learn more about Michael Junior, visit the following web sites. Most have biographies, filmographies, and more photos. Please bookmark Classic Movie Kids before moving on. New material will be added regularly.
Michael Junior Fan Page
with some nice photos
Samantha's Michael Junior Page
(From Belgium)
Sites For You Michael Junior Page
Treble Voices Michael Junior Page
Michael Junior Biography
on Helmut Lotti's web site